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When we are going to acquire upholstered furniture for the living room, a room or any other part of our house or our facilities, we have to take into account multiple factors (colour, seats, price, size, height, style, materials...).
We must be aware of the level of perspiration, durability, maintenance and resistance of the product we are going to acquire, although we must never forget the beauty and touch, which are equally important to us.
It is very important to take into account and analyze all these factors, since it is also a great investment at the time of the purchase, in addition to having to learn what is necessary to take care of it and maintain it (when we will have it, or if we already have it) in the most optimal state possible for a long time.
One of the most important factors is the cloth with which the furniture has been made. Continuing with the group of articles for cleaning and maintenance of upholstered furniture cloths, today we will focus on leatherette.

Currently, the general monetary situation is not good for most people, and that affects our purchases. For example, we may like furniture made of genuine leather, but this furniture is a considerable expense (because of the price of the material used in it), so we have to think about other options.
Luckily, nowadays you can find furniture upholstered in leatherette (or synthetic leather), a synthetic material (used even in the world of clothing, accessories, handbags, home decoration...) that imitates the appearance of genuine leather in all its different variants. Better known as "skay", it had a great success in the upholstered furniture world from the 1970’s onwards. Its leather imitation is of such high quality and has been so successful that it is difficult to distinguish it from genuine leather at first glance. Moreover, although this material does not have the same quality and resistance as genuine leather, it is a good alternative, since its price is considerably lower than the leather one.
Leatherette is composed of synthetic polyester fibres coated with one or more layers of polymer (mostly polyamide, and, to a lesser extent, PVC). It offers characteristics such as high elasticity, resistance to daily use, scratch resistance, abrasion resistance, and adequate micro-pore (water-proofness). It should also be taken into account that, in general terms, leatherette is cold in winter and sticky in summer, because it is a cloth that does not sweat in general.
There are different types of leather polyskin that can have different finishes and aspects, such as leather imitation, metallic appearance, matt or shiny tones, imitation of animal skins, elasticity, wide range of colours etc. PU leather polypropylene can also be found when it is coated with polyurethane as a gloss finish.


As they are less resistant than furniture made of genuine leather, it is necessary to pay more attention to them than to others. This way, we will make them last much longer, avoid the appearance of cracks in the cloth and prevent them from cracking. The first thing to keep in mind is that you should avoid direct exposure to the sun and/or heat sources. On the other hand, it is important that we avoid humidity.
Also, some hair products (such as hair gel or hair foam) are harmful to this type of material, so you should be careful when resting your head on the backrest.


It is important that you know what to avoid about this type of furniture: 
  • Never rub or scratch the furniture cloth. Do it carefully, and avoid abrasive sponges at all costs. 
  • Never use solvents with chlorine, alcohol, window cleaner or aerosols. 
  • Do not apply bitumen, waxes or chemicals to the cloth. 
  • Although they are very practical for removing many stains in other cloths, it is not recommended to use baby wipes or make-up remover wipes (since they remove the protective layer that surrounds this material and reduces its shine). As we have already said, always use a damp (not wet) cloth with warm water to clean any stain and dry it quickly with another dry and clean cloth. 
  • One of the first precautions we must take with this furniture is to avoid exposing it to sunlight and heat sources. Therefore, when it comes to placing them in our home or facilities, we have to choose the ideal place so that the sunlight does not hit the sofa directly. Do not put it under the air-conditioning unit, or dry the cloth under the sun. Heat can dry it out and spoil it over time. 
  • There are different criteria for the use of dry foam cleaning. Some professionals say it can be used, while others say it should be avoided. It is best to make sure and ask the manufacturer or seller of the furniture about that.


Thanks to the advantages of synthetic leather, the vast majority of stains that can be originated on this material disappear.
To make your furniture upholstered with leatherette furniture look good, you should clean it regularly.
Most stains come out using a damp (but well drained) cloth with soap, cotton dampened with make-up remover milk, or clay stone (although you'll have to dry it afterwards).
The most important thing when a stain occurs is to act immediately on it, to prevent further damage.
Our advice for correct cleaning and/or maintenance is to follow the following points:
  • To begin with, the first thing to do (and it is essential) is to dry the surface to be cleaned. This prevents future moisture stains or cracks that will produce a dull effect on our furniture.
  • You should know that you should never rub hard or scratch the sofa vigorously, as the leatherette may get damaged. 
  • One way to keep your leatherette furniture clean is to periodically vacuum it using a soft brush on the tip of the vacuum cleaner. This will help keep the surface clean, avoiding scratches and unnecessary wear. 
  • Using a micro-fibre cloth over the surface of the furniture, either dry or slightly dampened in warm water, on a weekly basis (beware of the type of water used, as ordinary water may have chlorine or other ingredients that may damage the skin) is good maintenance. Ideally, we should have a cloth dedicated only to the cleaning of the furniture upholstered in leatherette. If we do it weekly, we will keep the sofa clean of dust and avoid stains or soiling over time. This way it will always look like new, thanks to the shine it gives off for its cleanliness and continuous cleaning. 
  • Distilled water can also be used to clean the surface of leather furniture. 
  • The most important thing, when one or more stains occur is to act immediately on them, so that they do not penetrate and thus avoid further damage to the tissue. 
  • For pen ink stains, use a cloth moistened in warm water and a little 90º alcohol impregnated in cotton wool. It is also useful to use a neutral soap, as long as we rinse it carefully and dry it on the spot. 
  • For ink stains (or if a piece of clothing fades on top of the leatherette), use cotton with make-up remover milk, 90º alcohol or white vinegar. 
  • In the case of tomato, chocolate or soft drinks stains, the best solution is to use a detergent with neutral pH. It is also useful to use a neutral soap, as in the case of pen stains, as long as we rinse it carefully and dry it on the spot. 
  • If the stain is grease, do not clean that part of the fabric with water. Better clean it with a soft, dry cloth until you can remove the stain (or most of it). If it resists, use 90º alcohol. 
  • As for liquid stains, first dry the liquid stain gently with an absorbent material (canvas, cotton, towel, etc.). If the stain persists, clean it with a cloth with soap without blurring the stain. After each rub, cool the cloth with clean soap to prevent dirt from staining the cloth. 
  • For solid stains, first remove the excess dirt carefully. Without blurring, remove the solid residue with a pinch of a soft spatula. The remaining stains should be removed by gently rubbing them with a circular soap cloth. 
  • For other types of stains, apply a small amount of toothpaste on them and wait a few minutes. Then remove the paste with a damp cloth. 
  • For stains that are more difficult to remove, and only occasionally, we will have to use a neutral detergent along with a damp cloth, to make cleaning more effective. This should be done as soon as the stain appears, to prevent it from penetrating into the sofa. 
  • In all cases, it is essential to dry the surface to be cleaned, thus avoiding cracks or moisture stains in the future. We can never leave it wet after cleaning. It is very important that we dry it well with a dry cloth, without exposing it to the sun, as we have told you before. Also, try to avoid any dampness on your sofa, such as resting your head with wet hair or sitting on it in a wet swimsuit in the summer. 
  • To restore the shine, you can use a suede cloth with a little “Nivea” cream (the one of the famous blue can cream), using it in the same way as make-up removal milk. Then it must be cleaned and dried so that it does not get greased.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us through this simple form. We will be happy to help you.
Pol. Ind. Catarroja
C/ 26, Nº 200, Esquina con la Calle 31
46470 Catarroja
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